My Goal! Japan!

This is the beggining of my journey. My goal as the name of the post says  Japan, which means that I will do my best totravel to Japan. But let me introduce myself; my name is Carlos and I am studying languages, I´m 20 and currently studying Japanese and English aswell. My mother tongue is Spanish which I am not going to use but for certain topics.

My goal is to achive a decent level of Japanese, so I will be able to speak fluently in both Japanese and English, but as you can read my level of English is not that bad, and even when I know that if a native English speaker sees this, hes is going to says that I have to do a spell-check.

But come on I bet you can understand the full meaning of what I am saying.

So that is all for today, thanks for reading and I promise you I´ll do my best to achive what I want to.