December 4th / December 7th

So well, it has been long since the last time I wrote something here about my future. Actually, I have been just complaining about something [girls] and just writing compositions I did as an assignment. Then I haven´t actually done what I am supposed to do; study.

I got a job [three actually] and since that happened I stopped doing my activities I used to do about learning languages. Plus my iPod broke down and because it was my source for learning Japanese I told myself that I would start again until I got a new one. Unfortunately [stupid] Apple is not releasing the iPod Touch 5G until [maybe] October 4th… but the problem is that it might not be on sale by that date but a week later which means October 12 or the like.

Call me crazy but I need and iPod Touch to learn kanji. Why? Well I just developed my own routine for learning kanji, and it includes using the iPod , therefore I NEED one to start again. Yet, what is really worrying is that the longer I stay without an iPod the worse it gets to learn kanji.

Next December I will be taking both the Japanese and English Language Proficiency Tests. This time both are pretty difficult and I just have 68 days [form today and not counting 4 days because a congress]  to go. So what is the plan?

Since I leave work at 3 pm I have pretty much from 7 to 8 hours per day [counting one hour for meals] to get into these two languages. So my new and remastered schedule will be like this:

I have one book for learning the grammar in both cases and the iPod will be arriving on October so, as for English my book has 90 [actually 100] units which means  2 pages per day [which is kinda silly because 2 pages cover only one topic. So I will end up learning more than one per day though.

Then as for Japanese my book has 15 units that covers the Intermediate level. Each unit has an average of between 15 and 20 pages. Then I would have to read and learn 7 per day. I think 4 or 5 hours for Japanese would be enough.

Seriously people, I need to get those two certificates….. and I will! 😀

Why women are never going to rule the world.

This is going to be a quick post.

A few minutes ago I read this on Facebook:  To impress a woman: kiss her, hug her, compliment her, love her, protect her, support her. How to impress a man: Show up naked with a beer. From the  Funny Status App.

Now the fact  is that I first wrote something like: I bet Homer [Simpsons] would, but not me as a comment but after I went into the kitchen to to prepare myself a sandwich I realized that that status is all fucked up, and is not taking the aggression on the men but women. How come?  Well think about it, it says that to impress a women you basically need to do lots of things to just kiss her. Meaning: The guy should really try hard, to learn and to invent original ways to do it.  Original ways of kissing her, the place [spacial location] to kiss her, why to hug her and why to hug her. Use the correct words to compliment her; to learn the language in a elevated level to just join together the right words to make the sentence sound nice. So basically the man should do a lot of things. To spent time learning and innovating new ways of doing it: Making the world a better place.

Now, let´s analyze  the second sentence. Of course any man should be impress for having a naked woman holding a beer in front of him, yet the problem here lies in the fact that what did she do to impress the man? NOTHING  A MAN CAN NOT DO. So even when women think it is true because the think man are easy pleased the problem of having such a fucked up world is that they [women] do nothing but getting naked in front of guys. So not even the do nothing to impress but they impress the wrong man when they got naked, so these guys think that the woman in front is kind of slut because she just got naked. Then they get angry when another guy does nothing to win their hearts. So who do you should blame? Men? Think again, you should blame yourselves women.

I am not saying that all women or all men do this, nevertheless when the time comes you laugh and say: it is so true! Men are really easy-pleased people, you better thing again if it is so good to think that way.

I want to thank specially to my dear friend Gaby who put that status on her Facebook! Hey Gaby! 😀